Angelo Garcia has been awarded Employee of the Month for August! Angelo is one of the most conscientious employees at Bitty & Beau’s. He always arrives 10 minutes early, and is all clocked in with his apron on by the time his shift begins. Angelo communicates well, and is accurate and dependable in fulfilling his responsibilities as a drink-maker. He has recently accepted the challenge of becoming cross-trained as a cashier, and brings that same accuracy and dependability to his new cashier duties.  

Angelo spends most of his time at Bitty & Beau’s as a Drink-Maker, and fills in as Cashier when needed. He makes delicious latte’s, smoothies, frappe’s and other drinks for the customers, and he follows the recipe to the letter every time.  Come meet Angelo and all our other employees, and see why Bitty & Beau’s is the Happiest Place in Waco!